Welcome to

Collab Academic Portal

Whether you're a passionate student seeking to embark on an educational journey abroad, an esteemed education institution aiming to expand your global reach, or a dedicated partner agency committed to guiding students towards their dreams, you've arrived at the perfect destination. Start discovering now!


Embark on your study abroad journey with confidence, from start to finish! Search programs, apply to the ones you like, get consultation along the way!

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Recruitment Partner

Gain exclusive access to our comprehensive platform, equipped with the latest information on over 1000 partner universities!

School & Institution

Join Collab Academic's esteemed network of partner universities, gain access to a diverse pool of motivated students from around the world, facilitated by our user-friendly platform.

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Embark on your study abroad journey with confidence, from start to finish! Search programs, apply to the ones you like, get consultation along the way!

Discover Now

Recruitment Partner

Gain exclusive access to our comprehensive platform, equipped with the latest information on over 1000 partner universities!

School & Institution

Join Collab Academic's esteemed network of partner universities, gain access to a diverse pool of motivated students from around the world, facilitated by our user-friendly platform.

About Us

Our Journey

Collab International is a global education technology company dedicated to providing tailored solutions for students, educational agencies, and institutions worldwide. With over a decade of experience in the international education sector and partnerships with more than 300 institutions, we are committed to guiding students towards achieving their academic aspirations and fostering collaborations between educational entities.

Our Mission and Vision

Collab International is a global education technology company dedicated to providing tailored solutions for students, educational agencies, and institutions worldwide. With over a decade of experience in the international education sector and partnerships with more than 300 institutions, we are committed to guiding students towards achieving their academic aspirations and fostering collaborations between educational entities.

Collab Academic Portal

One of our standout offerings is the Collab Academic portal, a cutting-edge online platform designed to streamline the educational consultancy process for students, partner agencies, and educational institutions. This innovative portal provides up-to-date and detailed information on over 300 partner universities across different countries, enabling seamless application processes and effective student placements!

Key Features of Collab Academic

Comprehensive University Database

Access detailed profiles, admission requirements, and program information for a vast array of partner universities.

Tailored Recommendations

Utilize our filtering mechanisms to find the best-fit institutions based on individual student profiles and preferences, turn them into sharable quotes with ease of a click.

Streamlined Application Process

Submit applications directly through the portal, track progress in real-time, and receive timely updates.

Collaborative Tools

Facilitate smooth communication and collaboration between students, consultants, agencies through integrated messaging live chat features.

Agency Support

Enable local agencies to efficiently manage their student placements and institutional partnerships, enhancing service offerings operational efficiency.

Our Services

Collab International offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to support students, educational agencies, and institutions at every stage their academic professional journey.

Academic Consultancy

Expert guidance on selecting the right courses and institutions across 20+ countries.

Admission Consultancy

End-to-end support through the application process, from documentation to final admission.

Exam Preparation Services

Tailored preparation for standardized tests and entrance exams.

Immigration & Visa Service

Assistance with immigration and visa applications, both for in and out of Canada.

Academic Coaching

Personalized academic coaching to help students achieve their educational goals.

Agency Support Services

Tools and resources to help educational agencies manage their student relationships and institutional partnerships effectively.

Institutional Partnership

Assistance for universities and colleges in expanding their global outreach and attracting international students.

Land Services

Assistance with accommodation and settling in, available in select countries.

Contact Us

We are here to help you achieve your academic dreams and support your educational goals. Reach out to us through the contact form below, or visit our offices!